Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Polyolefin Macrosynthetic Fibers with Two Different Mixing Designs


  • Saleh Amin-Yavari Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch, Iran.
  • Erfan Nazari Moghadam Department of Civil Engineering, Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Tonkabon, Iran.


Polyolefin fibers‎, Composite fibers‎, Compressive strength of concrete‎, Tensile strength of concrete‎, Concrete slump


Recent advances in polymer science, chemical synthesis, and engineering have increased the importance of polyolefins in structural applications. Polyolefin fibers have good tensile properties, wear resistance, and excellent chemical resistance, slowing the development of crack length and width. Studying the role of polyolefin fibers in two combined forms on the resistance properties of concrete is one of the main goals of this research. The samples were examined at 7 and 28 days for compression, tension, and elastic modulus tests. Two designs without fibers and four with needle and mesh fibers were combined in two water-cement ratios to investigate the effect of fiber integration on concrete properties. In these designs, the amount of super-plasticizer was permanently fixed, and the fibers were used in two volume percentages of 0.2 and 0.3 with equal lengths. Fibers reduced concrete slump loss and increased compressive strength, tensile strength, and elastic modulus, respectively 52.60, 44.29 and 26.74% compared to the original design. In total, fibers with a volume of 0.3% have resulted in higher resistance in the investigated properties of the research.


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How to Cite

Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Polyolefin Macrosynthetic Fibers with Two Different Mixing Designs. (2024). Journal of Civil Aspects and Structural Engineering, 1(1), 20-32.