Journal Details

  • Journal Title: Journal of Civil Aspects and Structural Engineering

    Aims and Scope: The Journal of Civil Aspects and Structural Engineering (JCASE) aims to bridge the knowledge gap in the civil and structural engineering fields by providing a comprehensive platform for the dissemination of research, developments, and innovative solutions. It seeks to foster collaboration and dialogue among researchers, engineers, architects, and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities in designing, constructing, and maintaining infrastructure in a rapidly evolving world. The journal covers a wide array of topics including but not limited to sustainable construction practices, advanced materials for civil engineering, structural integrity and failure analysis, earthquake resistance and retrofitting, infrastructure resilience, and innovative design methodologies.

    Abbreviated Title: J. Civ. Asp. Struct. Eng.

    Language: English

    Publication Frequency: JCASE publishes one issue per year online. However, processed and accepted papers, complete with full bibliographic details, are continuously added to the issue throughout the year.

    Open Access: This journal is an open-access publication, meaning all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without seeking prior permission from the publisher or the author(s).

    Publication Fee: Publication in JCASE is free of charge, ensuring accessibility to a wide audience and encouraging a broad submission of high-quality work.

    Plagiarism Check: The integrity of content is paramount; hence, JCASE employs stringent plagiarism screening using industry-leading software to ensure originality and accountability.

    Review Policy: Manuscripts submitted to JCASE undergo a blind peer review by recognized experts in the relevant fields, ensuring the publication of only high-quality, impactful research.

    Copyright and Licensing: Articles published in JCASE are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing for the widest possible dissemination and reuse with appropriate credit to the original authors.

    Online ISSN: 3042-1365

    Editorial Board: The Editorial Board of JCASE comprises a diverse group of eminent scholars and practitioners in civil and structural engineering, ensuring the journal's commitment to quality and relevance.

    Submission Guidelines: Detailed submission guidelines are available on the journal's website, designed to streamline the manuscript submission process for authors.

    Ethical Standards: JCASE adheres strictly to the ethical standards of scientific publishing, as outlined by leading publishing ethics bodies, to ensure the integrity of its publication process.